alaCarte Maps
Renderer for OpenStreetMap tiles
AreaSelector Member List

This is the complete list of members for AreaSelector, including all inherited members.

AreaSelector(const shared_ptr< Rule > &rule, const shared_ptr< Selector > &next)AreaSelector
matchNode(NodeId nodeID, const shared_ptr< TileIdentifier > &ti, RenderAttributes *attributes) const AreaSelectorvirtual
matchRelation(RelId relID, const shared_ptr< TileIdentifier > &ti, RenderAttributes *attributes) const AreaSelectorvirtual
matchWay(WayId wayID, const shared_ptr< TileIdentifier > &ti, RenderAttributes *attributes) const AreaSelectorvirtual
Selector(const shared_ptr< Rule > &rule, const shared_ptr< Selector > &next)Selector